Indeed, there is no recipe for a "perfect life."  One must work at life, and make it up as we go along.  We must be cognizant of the fact that we work for the common good out of respect, kindness, and love for one another.
"Friendship" is quite an ordinary word, but it has extraordinary significance in our lives.  It's very easy to take friendship for granted.  Many people do, only to experience regret later.  In order to serve our friends properly, a person needs knowledge and empathy to help those in need.  Some people instinctively do the right things, but at one time or another they will be faced with the challenge of knowing specific information about illness, addiction, and many other difficult situations.
One of the messages I hope to convey is that being helpful means being educated and well informed.  Pain is a human condition. There is no way we can avoid pain in our lives or in those of our friends.  However, finding balance, and successfully living through difficult times, paves the way for deeper rewarding friendships. 
Being open to our friends allows us to be vulnerable; committing time to one another, and expressing (in words and actions) our desire for our friends to be the best they can be, are ingredients of good friendships.
There is no doubt in my mind that a person who has one caring, confiding, and intimate friend is definitely richer than one who has a group of acquaintances.  If we can all imbue our lives with meaning, it will be a rewarding and enlightening experience.
Our journey here on earth was never meant to be easy.  Facing adversity takes courage and sometimes going beyond the realm of simply being brave.  It means taking that step forward to help those who fear being alone in times of strife and illness.  
We all leave legacies, some rich with knowledge, some sincere, some not so sincere.  I would hope that my legacy would be: I took the time to listen, advise and console with the utmost love and compassion for all I came in contact with.
I have always tried to live my life by the written word of Bertrand Russell which reads:
Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life:
The longing for love,
The search for knowledge,
and the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.
In my words:  "A caring heart is a loving heart."
Love and light
Linda Gail